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You Need Window Medics Toronto to save up to 70%!

Condensation or Moisture in Your Windows?

The basic construction of a window or Insulated Glass Units (IGUs) consists of a spacer bar and glass. The spacer bar is installed between two or three pieces of glass (i.e. “double

Foggy window

What sets us apart?

  • Reliable service
  • Cost effective
  • Eco friendly
  • This saves home owners up to 70% from replacement cost
  • Removing up to 70% - 80% of the surface damage
  • Preventing further degradation of the window glass surface

If you have foggy windows it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to rip them out and replace them. Our foggy window repair service procedure can give your windows a new lease of life and extend their lifespan by up to twenty years.

Foggy windows are caused by a phenomenon known as solar pumping. Your windows are not fully hermetically sealed if they were they would explode when the sun heats them up!

During the day, sunlight heats the space in between the two (or three) panes of glass in your window which causes pressure to build up in the void. Tiny amounts of air are forced out through the semi-permanent seal.

In the evening the window begins to cool and this causes low pressure within the window which results in the opposite effect. Air is drawn back in from outside. This air naturally contains tiny amounts of moisture which is absorbed by the silica desiccant in the window cavity. Over a period of years, this cycle of solar pumping will mean that eventually, the silica desiccant will have absorbed all the moisture it can since it has become fully saturated.

Now there is nowhere else for the moisture to go, so it starts building up on the glass inside the void creating the foggy effect.

Windows are actually designed with a certain lifespan in mind since you don’t want exploding windows. Eventually, ALL thermal windows will fail. How long the process takes is dependent upon the quality of the silica desiccant used within the spacer bar.

Once fogging occurs the damage will only get worse. More and more moisture builds up reducing the insulating property of the window and will eventually damage the glass. At this point, you will usually need to replace the glass or the complete window.

You need to call Window Medics Toronto WMT as soon as you experience any fogging. The two main purposes of a window are to let in natural light and to enable you to see out. When the window fogs it may not seriously affect the light coming in, but it will considerably reduce your ability to see through it.

Fortunately, we have the latest equipment to deal with window fogging, and our foggy window repair service can completely restore your window, enabling you to enjoy it once again. Your property will be restored to its former glory and you will be able to see outside.

Door Installation

We have a huge range of nearly 100 different designs of exterior doors and patio doors; you’ll be spoiled for choice! Take a look through our catalog and you are bound to find the perfect door for your home.

Contact us here and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Call our specialist to repair your foggy windows now on (647) 695-7600 or write to us at [email protected].

We’re not called Window Medics for nothing!

Window Medics Toronto is your one stop window shop

Call us today for a free phone consultation with one of our highly trained field representatives. Decide for yourself if it's time to Defog, Replace Your Glass or Completely Change Your Windows & Doors.

Window Medics Toronto WMT, Phone: (647) 695-7600, Email: [email protected]

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